
Mouth Guards

Mouth guards protect your teeth, soft tissues, and surrounding gums from injuries when engaging in sports. We offer custom-fit sports mouth guards in Lake Worth Beach. Our mouth guards reduce the impact of injuries by evenly spreading the force between your soft tissues and teeth.

Mouth guards are dental coverings worn over teeth, and often used to protect teeth from injury from teeth grinding and during sports.
Lake Worth Dentist

About Night Guards

A night guard is a device worn to prevent bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching). This device is designed to avoid wear and tear caused by constant, subconscious grinding that occurs at night while you are asleep.

Treatment for TMJ disorders commonly involves the use of a night guard. When worn at night, this dental appliance positions your jaw in a way that reduces stress on the muscles of the face and neck and protects tooth enamel.

Lake Worth Dentist

Do You Have TMJ Disorder?

If you answer “yes” to the following questions and suffer from TMJ disorders, schedule a consultation with your dentist in Lake Worth Beach and the surrounding communities.

  • Do you grind or clench your teeth unconsciously while you are asleep?
  • Are the muscles around your jaw stiff?
  • Do you suffer from frequent headaches and neck pain?
  • Do you hear clicking or popping when you open your mouth?
  • Is it hard or painful to open your mouth wide when you eat or yawn?
  • Do you have arthritis in other joints?
  • Did your teeth stop touching when your mouth is closed?
Benefits of Custom Mouth Guards Near You

Custom mouth guards are designed to last; they are very durable and do not lose their shape when properly cared for. Interested in mouth guards near you? Habashy Dental offers mouth guards in Lake Worth Beach. Schedule an appointment today with your dentist to discuss custom-mouth guards.

Make an Appointment

Simply click the Schedule Appointment button below and we will get in touch ASAP! You can also call our phone number for more information about Dental Mouth Guards in the Lake Worth Beach area.

Lake Worth Dentist